Wednesday 21 October 2015

Target Audience

My target audience would be for 15-30 year old, who enjoy sci-fi films and fear growing technology. Older audiences may be interested in robot sci-fi films, however because it's about people around the age of 17, and is mostly set in a school, audiences that are 30+ may be less intrigued to watch the film.  The audience should have their own opinion on what they think of AI's, and if they have a negative view on them, then the suspense will be built as the film is also a thriller. The audience may be interested in conspiracy theories and the unknown. Films they would enjoy would be films such as Ex Machina because it includes aspects of the unknown and focuses on technology going too far. they would enjoy the thought that robots could take over the world. The pictures above demonstrate the type of people who would watch my film. I have chosen people who are in their early twenty's to show the majority of ages that would see the film. They don't have to fit into any stereotype as long as they enjoy stereotypes and the debate of what would happen if technology goes to far, creating the thriller aspect of the film.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Bicentennial Man Poster Analysis

From this poster I would like to use the split between the robot and the human. I would want to do this to show the difference between robots and humans, or to show the innocent and the dark side of robots.

Friday 16 October 2015

Font Analysis

This is my font analysis that I have done using texts from films of the same genre as my trailer. I have looked at the different types of font, separating the fonts into two main categories, to analyse the two types of font in Sci-fi thrillers. I have discussed the effect the font has on the audience, and also what kind of texts I want to have for my trailer. 

Audience Research

Thursday 15 October 2015

Ex Machina Poster Analysis

From this poster I would like to use the tag line which is a question. I have learned from this that I would like my audience to be intellectual. I also like the black background as it creates mystery and suspense, which is key for a thriller film.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Response to teacher feedback

I am pleased with my feedback as I am on my way to achieving a band 4. To  improve I am going to read through all of my posts and correct the phrasing and the grammar so that it makes sense. I will also write what I would like to use in my own trailer, and how it will improve my trailer idea. I will analyse my mood board further as well as any other posts that I think need it. I will try to use different theory's to do with audience and narrative, to show my understanding of them.

Friday 9 October 2015

Plot of my film

Here are 14 points that show the plot of film .I can use these in my trailer. I can make shots and phrases that will be useful to use in the film in order to make an interesting trailer.

Conforming to the Genre

This is a chart showing how my film trailer conforms to the conventions of the sci-fi thriller genre. I have gone through different scenarios in the film to show points where if I didn't have them in the film then it wouldn't conform to the genre.

Diary #3

After writing the synopsis for my film, as well as creating the characters, I now have got inspiration for shots I want to use in my film, as well as dialogue. For example I may record the creator's voice to explain the situation with the robot, as if he was speaking to the robot. This would play throughout different parts in the film. Also as I wouldn't be able to find someone who would be able to play the creator, I may just film the creators hands so that it's anonymous who he is. I now feel that I can write my 14 point of my film as well as the location's I'm going to use for my trailer.

Character Profiles

  •  These are my character profiles for the main characters. I have put information about their personality and what role's they play in the film. I have also briefly drawn what sort of clothes they may wear in the film, to give more depth to the character. This will help me to direct the actors in how to play the characters, as well as giving them some facts about the characters so that they can portray them correctly. I now know the names of the characters so when developing my film further I will know what  names to include.

  • Also I can start to look for people who I think would be suited for the role of the characters, to ensure that I get the best possible outcome when creating my trailer.

  • I can think about the dialogue that I will include in my trailer now that I know the back story of my characters, and how they feel on a day to day basis. 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Interstellar Trailer Analysis


The first intertitles to be shown are the production companies, after they have introduced the setting and problem in the film. The next inter-titles are used to advertise the films that some audiences may be familiar with, therefore they would have trust in the film and would be enticed to watch it. The inter-titles don't give much away about the narrative, therefore it is left for the audience to listen and watch in order to find out what happens.
  • "From Christopher Nolan"
  • "Director of The Dark Night and Inception"
  • "It was never meant to die here"
  • "InterStellar"

  • The music used is mostly made out of stringed instruments, to create soft and harsh emotions in the trailer.
  • At the beginning the music is very quiet and suspenseful, this is so that the audience can listen to the dialogue in order to find out the dilemma in the film. This gives them the chance to be able to decide whether this is a film that they would consider watching.
  •  Also the lack of music at the beginning of the trailer, shows the mundane lives of the characters. Therefore as the music slowly gets louder and and more complicated, it's shows the changes in their life, adding emotion, suspense. 

Shots and Editing:
The first shot introduces the main character, where he looks like a normal man. However close ups, and fast pace editing is used to show that they have a different life that no one else is aware of. Long shots are used to show the setting that resembles a dystopia. The editing is slow pace to show the relations between the characters, as well as to build up the emotions. Long shots are shown of space, to impress the audience as well as to show the unknown.

  • The dialogue is used to introduce the setting, as well as the relationship between the characters. Mostly they focus on the relationship between the father and the daughter. The dialogue is played over shots of the world deteriorating to show the hard decision he has to make between whether to save the world or if to stay with his kids.
  • Another character's voice is played over the top of the trailer to show that humanity needs the man to save the world. This entices the audience to watch the film as they would want to see what decision he make sin the end. 

Target audience and Genre:
The target audience would be for 15+ as they would be interested in what could happen to the world, and how the human race would go about saving it. They would need to be interested in space and complex ideas of what is in space. The genre is a sci-fi thriller, as it's based on space, needing an intellectual audience to be able to understand the narrative. The audience only see him about to go into space, therefore suspense is built because of the unknown, making the film a thriller.

Special Effects:

  • The main special effects would engage the audience as they would be able to see someone else perspective of space, and the amazing visuals, creating an atmospheric spectacle experience.

    From this trailer I would like to recreate the hand holding shot as it's a good way to show a relationship as well as the action that is going on in the film. As I want to include this shot I have learned that I want to show a distinctive relationship between two characters. 

Robot and Frank Theatrical trailer analysis


The first inter-titles introduce the setting so that the audience are familiar with how technology may progress in the near future. The other inter-titles are at the end of the trailer, showing the ratings that have been given from newspapers. As well as what award wining actors are involved in the film, and "Winner Sundance film festival", this is to impress the audience as well as to make it trust worthy. Followed by the title of the film, laid over the top of the robots face to show how the man has become best friends with a robot.

Music and Dialogue

The music at first is calm, created by stringed instruments, with diegetic sound of the technologies that are around at the time when the film is set. The music then stops when the disruption of the film comes along, which is the robot. More upbeat music then starts to show that there's a change in his life. The music always changes when something new in his life happens, each time choosing a different tempo and a different type of string orientated song. The music becomes rapidly when the film has the most tension and adrenaline in it, to show how serious the film becomes.

The dialogue starts with a robots voice to show how the world is robot dominated. The dialogue introduces the characters and the relationships between them. Sometimes the dialogue will be used as a voice over, whilst shots of what their explaining will be shown over the top.

Shots and Editing: 
The beginning is slow paced, as its introducing the setting, a range of shots are used to show his relationships with characters as well as to show off how cinematic the film is. The very first one is an establishing shot to show the type of person frank is as well as the setting. The first shot shown of frank and the robot is a long shot to show how he doesn't agree with robots. However throughout the trailer there are two shots to show how he has began to like the robot. The editing then becomes faster towards the end to create adrenaline, as well as to show that what he is doing is risky, this engages the audience to watch the film as they want to see what happens in the film.

Target audience and Genre: 

The target audience would be for an older audience of 30+ as it's a story of an older man. However they use robots in it, therefore that may entice younger audiences. Its quite a slow paced trailer with soft music in it, therefore it is more likely to intrigue older audiences. The genre is justified by the use of shots of Frank conversing with others, as well as close ups of jewels and locks. This show's that the genre is drama and crime.

From this trailer, I would like to use the different music changes to portray the different emotions and themes throughout my trailer. 

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Synopsis of Film

This is a synopsis of my film, this will help me to pick out scenes for my trailer, and what emotion I want to put across to the audience.

The Creation

Robots have been used for work only and have been a great help to society. However one man strived to create a robot that could not only resemble a human, but act like one and feel emotion as a human would too. The creator tried and tried to make the robot, he kept on failing over the years, this was the only thing he had to live for. His creation had been up and running for two years, tweaking it make it acceptable and ready to present. His creation became ready, it acted and felt emotion like a human, so much that this robot became like a son to him. The creator was nervous to let the robot out into public. There had been debates that he had attended, bringing up the idea of a robot that could feel human emotion. Whilst people where supportive, the others were very defensive and told him that there should be no thing such as a robot that can feel emotion.

The creator decided as a social experiment to send his robot out into society, under one condition, that he was not allowed to tell anyone that he is a robot. The creator decides to send his robot to school so that he can get qualifications to live his life as a human. The robot is excited for school, some people see him as different and don't like to talk to him. The robot gets upset, he sits by himself at lunch time, not eating as he can't eat, the creator tells him that he is special and that he should pursue in trying to talk to people because that is what he was made for. One day a girl approaches him and tells him how he is different and starts to talk to him. The robot talks to her and for the first time he has been able to full fill his purpose.  The girl finds it strange that the robot hasn't done many activities and doesn't even eat. However she is just looking for a friend too, so she accepts the fact that he is different. The connection is strong between the two, they develop feelings for each other. The creator is unaware of this, therefore when the robot asks if he can bring the girl home, he accepts his request. However when he goes around the girls house she asks him to share a secret, she defines a secret for him. He shares the fact that he is a robot.

The brother is listening in outside their bedroom, he was hoping to make their time together awkward. Her brother doesn't take the fact that he is a robot lightly. He is very much so against robots having feelings, and the fact that his little sister is involved with a robot, made him furious. He gets his friends together and they try to beat up the robot, the sister tells him to hide away because they will kill him.

The robot does not realise it's own strength, and ends up hurting the brother by accident, he malfunctions and the creator has to end up turning him off.

Diary #2

Whilst I am writing my synopsis, I am now unsure of the genre I want my film to be. I knew that I need a disruption in the film so I could follow the structure of Todorov's equilibrium theory. Therefore I needed something to happen to the robot, therefore I came up with the idea that the robot could be used for bad, for example it will be used for stealing things. However I'm finding it hard to come up with an engaging narrative. Therefore I have started trying to think about the different types of characters I could have, in order to be able to shape the narrative around them. This has developed a few other idea's of what I could include to make the film interesting.

Mood Board

This is a mood board full of images that have inspired me, as well as images that I want to use in my film. Images such as the one from Toy Story 2, will remind me of how I want the characters to be presented and played, as well as the type of warm lighting I want to use as well.  This will help me decide the style I want to create in my trailer, as well as locations that I may want to recreate to make my trailer look realistic. I have learned the type of robot I want to use in my film, for example there are an array of robots on the mood board, and I have decided to go with a robot that looks like a human, as it will be more achievable than creating a robot. From the pictures from Robot and Frank and Iron Giant, I  have been able to decided that I want the character and the owner of the robot to have a friendly relationship.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

AI Teaser Poster Analysis

From this poster I would like to use the close up of the two main characters. I have learned that it is  important to show the two main characters on the poster in order to give away as much about the film as possible, still with some mystery.

Diary Post #1

After doing some research on the type of film genre I want to make (Sci-fi thriller) I am trying to come up with a plot for my film. I'm finding it tricky to think of an intriguing narrative that would also make an interesting trailer. I know that I want to include a robot, however I am unsure of whether I want the robot to be evil, or whether the characters are going to turn the robot evil. I need to look at other robot related films such as "AI" to help me  get inspiration, without stealing their idea's for my film.