Sunday 20 September 2015

Legend Theatrical Trailer Analysis

As a task we had to analysis the theatrical trailer for "Legend" to help us understand how to analysis a trailer. As well as to understand the difference between a theatrical and a teaser trailer.

The theatrical version of the trailer for Legend is 2:23, to advertise more of the narrative to the audience, in order for them to gain a clearer understanding of what the gangster film entails.

Firstly the production companies (Working title, and Studio Canal) are displayed on their own screens. In the teaser trailer, they were shown together, however as it is a theatrical trailer, more time can be spent presenting the intertitles.

  • "based on the true story"
  • "of the twins"
  • "who ruled the city" 
  • -Music change
  • "from the academy award winning screen writer of  L.A. Confidential and Mystic River"
  • "Tom Hardey is Reggie Kray" "Tom Hardy is Ronnie Kray" 
  • "Legend"  
  • - Ratings from magazines 
  • "in cinemasep 9" 
  • -Social media with links  

When each intertitle was displayed over a blank background, the music was emphasised by adding sound effects, or the track was changed. This adds a sense of adrenaline to the trailer, and it draws more attention to the message the titles are putting forwards to the audience.

The intertitles summarise the narrative, and the important information. The audience therefore can be informed on the key information of the film, without feeling bombarded with text, when trying to enjoy the trailer.


  • Throughout the trailer the music changes when introducing different sections of the film. The change in music helps to suit the emotion the audience are meant to feel whilst watching the trailer. Parts of the music are made louder when  generic gangster action happens such as punching or firing a gun. The music is upbeat and gritty to add to the atmosphere of the gangster life.
  • The music is sometimes stopped for dramatic effect, or to make moments comical. Towards the end of the trailer, when the dilemmas for the Kray twins is shown, the music starts to echo and the same lyrics are repeated. This shows the loss of morals between the Kray twins, and it represents to the audience how intense the film will become. 

Shots and editing:
  • Many different types of shots are shown, to show off the cinematography skills, as well as the range of shots used in the film. The first shot shown is an ariel, and a establishing shot, panning downwards to show the setting of the film which is in London. Then a two shot of the Kray twins is shown to introduce the main characters. This sets the mood for the film to the audience. Both of  the characters mainly have equal screen time, however many close ups, single shots are shown of Ronnie Kray. Whereas two shots are shown of Reggie Kray with a girl, followed by shots of Ronnie Kray, to show that he interferers with the brothers life and makes it difficult.
  • The editing on a whole is slow to give time for the narrative to be explained, as well as showing the acting skills. However towards the end the pace of the editing picks up to show how intense the film becomes as well as to show how chaotic the life of the twins becomes. 

Voice over and dialogue:

  • There isn't any voice over used, as the film is meant to be taken seriously. Especially as Legend is based off of a true story, a voice over would be unnecessary as the audience may already be familiar with the story.
  • Dialogue is used to explain the narrative, sometimes the dialogue is played over different scenes from the film, to show the impact and views between characters. The dialogue introduces the characters, and what type of person they are so that the audience can later on understand the events in the trailer. 

Target audience and genre:

Typically a gangster film is more 18+ males.  In the trailer, violence, guns, money, girls and cars are shown. Therefore stereotypically adult males would enjoy this film. Lots of generic shots are used to show such topics as violence and money, which would engage a male of the age of eighteen and above.

Special effects:
The main special effects in the film would be that Tom Hardy plays both of the twins. This is shown instantly as there are many two shots of the Kray brothers together. This engaged the audience as they would be amazed at his acting skills, as well as the editing skills used to make it seem as if Tom Hardy is two different people in the same room together.

From this trailer I would like to incorporate the way in which the music stops abruptly for emphasis, into my own work. As well as the way in which the music is timed with the actions of the character. I have learnt that I would like to make my film upbeat and snappy in order to build adrenaline.

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