Wednesday 30 September 2015

Sixth Sense Teaser Poster

From this poster I would like to use the black background with the contrast of a brighter colour, as it creates mystery and suspense.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Scott Pilgrim Trailer

I looked at the Scott Pilgrim trailer to analyse what order the scenes were put in the trailer. It did follow a basic chronological order, however some parts went from one end of the film to another. It kept on swapping from different time frames in the film to make the film seem more appealing. Also it created adrenaline when showing the various action scenes throughout the film, as well as creating dramatic effect and showing the different situation the character has to overcome throughout the film. 

The Crush Trailer

Sunday 27 September 2015

I Robot Theatrical Trailer Analysis

This is theatrical trailer of the film I Robot, the trailer is 2 minutes and 26 seconds long.

The first intertitles shown are 20th century fox, this is shown very quickly in a blue tinted filter, to match the next intertitles that come up on the screen.

The intertitles explain the equilibrium of the film and the plot, along with a voice over that reads the intertitles. This could be done for dramatic effect, as well as to link to how the characters in the film have been brain washed by an advertisement for a better living with robots.

The intertitles briefly introduce the dilemma of the film, and this engages the audience to watch the film as they would want to find out what's going to happen.

"We designed them"
"To be trusted with our homes"
"With our way of life"
"With our world"
"But did we design them"
"To be trusted"
"This summer"
"One man"
"Saw it coming"
"Will Smith"
"I, Robot"

Music/ Dialogue:

The music at the beginning is very suspenseful as it uses violins and ticking noises to create an eerie atmosphere. The sound of objects cutting through air is added when the intertitles come up, to represent how fast the serious problems are happening in this advanced fictional world.

The music then changes to become upbeat when one of the main characters is introduced, to imply that the genre is action.  The music sometimes stops to give dramatic effect, as well as to show a different section in the film.

Guitar based music is used to show that the characters are on a mission, as generically guitar music can be associated with action based missions in a film.
Orchestra's are used to build tension and adrenaline in the trailer, as they are powerful and make the film seem suspenseful.

The dialogue mostly explains the plot, from the main characters point of view, as well as to show the characters opinions on each other.

Shots and Editing:

Establishing shots that use panning are used to introduce the location and characters.
The editing can be fast paced to introduce the current situation in the film.
Slow motion  is used to focus on important characters as well as being used for dramatic effect to show the difficult situation they have to face.

Flares are used to cut quickly to the parts the producers want to show in the film, as well as to continue the theme of  technology over taking human life.

Lots of extreme long shots are used to show that the their could be an army of robots against humanity. Close ups are used for dramatic effect.

In the middle the editing pace gets slower to elaborate on the plot of the film more. However towards the end, at the attempt to reinstall equilibrium the pace is faster as this is when all of the action shots are shown. The pace needs to be fast to build up adreneline and for the audience to be interested to see how the film

Target audience and Genre: 

From the high usage of guns, shattering glass and cars we can establish that the film is an action, the fast pace editing helps to build up the adrenaline used in action films. As the film is based on robots malfunctioning, the film is also a Sci-fi.

The target audience would be for 15+ as they would be able to understand how technology can have bad effects on the human race, and how it can malfunction.

Special effects: 
The special effects used are to create the robots. In the year of 2004, this would have been new technology, and audiences would have been impressed by the CGI. Therefore this would engage audiences to watch the film as it had new technology in it.

From this trailer I would like to use blue filters to represent the sci-fi genre, as well as to make the shots looks eerie. I have learnt that I want my trailer to have a contrast of themes in order to make the narrative more complex, and to appeal to an intellectual audience.

Generic conventions of Sci-fi thriller

This is my powerpoint explaining the generic conventions of a Sci-fi thriller. As I want my film trailer to be about artificial intelligence, I need to know what sort of things to include in my trailer, such as setting, music and expectations of the narrative. Having already researched into the generic conventions, it will help me to form a more developed idea of what I want my film to consist of, whilst conforming to the expectations of the genre.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Initial Ideas

This is a Prezi presenting my initial idea's for my film. It explains the type of genre I want my film trailer to be, as well as what problems I see with trying to create certain genres. This will help me to develop my ideas further in the future. 

Monday 21 September 2015

Theatrical Note Book Poster Analyisis

As a task we had to analyse a poster in order to know how to analyse the different types of poster, being theatrical or teaser. When I decide upon my genre I will start analyse film posters of that genre so that when I come to create my poster I will be able to create an accurate poster.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Legend Theatrical Trailer Analysis

As a task we had to analysis the theatrical trailer for "Legend" to help us understand how to analysis a trailer. As well as to understand the difference between a theatrical and a teaser trailer.

The theatrical version of the trailer for Legend is 2:23, to advertise more of the narrative to the audience, in order for them to gain a clearer understanding of what the gangster film entails.

Firstly the production companies (Working title, and Studio Canal) are displayed on their own screens. In the teaser trailer, they were shown together, however as it is a theatrical trailer, more time can be spent presenting the intertitles.

  • "based on the true story"
  • "of the twins"
  • "who ruled the city" 
  • -Music change
  • "from the academy award winning screen writer of  L.A. Confidential and Mystic River"
  • "Tom Hardey is Reggie Kray" "Tom Hardy is Ronnie Kray" 
  • "Legend"  
  • - Ratings from magazines 
  • "in cinemasep 9" 
  • -Social media with links  

When each intertitle was displayed over a blank background, the music was emphasised by adding sound effects, or the track was changed. This adds a sense of adrenaline to the trailer, and it draws more attention to the message the titles are putting forwards to the audience.

The intertitles summarise the narrative, and the important information. The audience therefore can be informed on the key information of the film, without feeling bombarded with text, when trying to enjoy the trailer.


  • Throughout the trailer the music changes when introducing different sections of the film. The change in music helps to suit the emotion the audience are meant to feel whilst watching the trailer. Parts of the music are made louder when  generic gangster action happens such as punching or firing a gun. The music is upbeat and gritty to add to the atmosphere of the gangster life.
  • The music is sometimes stopped for dramatic effect, or to make moments comical. Towards the end of the trailer, when the dilemmas for the Kray twins is shown, the music starts to echo and the same lyrics are repeated. This shows the loss of morals between the Kray twins, and it represents to the audience how intense the film will become. 

Shots and editing:
  • Many different types of shots are shown, to show off the cinematography skills, as well as the range of shots used in the film. The first shot shown is an ariel, and a establishing shot, panning downwards to show the setting of the film which is in London. Then a two shot of the Kray twins is shown to introduce the main characters. This sets the mood for the film to the audience. Both of  the characters mainly have equal screen time, however many close ups, single shots are shown of Ronnie Kray. Whereas two shots are shown of Reggie Kray with a girl, followed by shots of Ronnie Kray, to show that he interferers with the brothers life and makes it difficult.
  • The editing on a whole is slow to give time for the narrative to be explained, as well as showing the acting skills. However towards the end the pace of the editing picks up to show how intense the film becomes as well as to show how chaotic the life of the twins becomes. 

Voice over and dialogue:

  • There isn't any voice over used, as the film is meant to be taken seriously. Especially as Legend is based off of a true story, a voice over would be unnecessary as the audience may already be familiar with the story.
  • Dialogue is used to explain the narrative, sometimes the dialogue is played over different scenes from the film, to show the impact and views between characters. The dialogue introduces the characters, and what type of person they are so that the audience can later on understand the events in the trailer. 

Target audience and genre:

Typically a gangster film is more 18+ males.  In the trailer, violence, guns, money, girls and cars are shown. Therefore stereotypically adult males would enjoy this film. Lots of generic shots are used to show such topics as violence and money, which would engage a male of the age of eighteen and above.

Special effects:
The main special effects in the film would be that Tom Hardy plays both of the twins. This is shown instantly as there are many two shots of the Kray brothers together. This engaged the audience as they would be amazed at his acting skills, as well as the editing skills used to make it seem as if Tom Hardy is two different people in the same room together.

From this trailer I would like to incorporate the way in which the music stops abruptly for emphasis, into my own work. As well as the way in which the music is timed with the actions of the character. I have learnt that I would like to make my film upbeat and snappy in order to build adrenaline.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Legend Teaser Trailer Analysis

As one of the first tasks that we were set to do, we had to analysis the teaser trailer for "Legend" to help us understand how a trailer works, and what sort of things we should be looking out for when analysing trailers, as well as what to do when making a trailer. 

This trailer is 30 seconds long, which is just enough time for their target audience to watch it, and still be engaged. As its such a short trailer, it makes people interested in watching it, as people naturally have
little attention spans, and a 30 second video will be enough time to engage them without boring them.Firstly the production companies are shown together on a washed out background for a second, keeping the information short and snappy. In order for the trailer to present as much information for the audience to absorb about the film as possible.

Gangster Crime Genre:

The genre is clear through the use of snappy editing, which builds up the adrenaline of a gangster crime film. Close ups of money, cars, suits, the city and guns are shown in quick flashes on the screen, to summarise the generic conventions of a gangster film.

Unique Selling Point

  • The main unique selling point is that Tom Hardy is playing two different characters, this flashes up on screen for a second with ratings, displaying four stars to advertise how astonishing his performance is. At the beginning an establishing shot shows him in the same room, to engage the audience to watch the well edited special effects and convincing performance Tom Hardy in Legend.
  • The target audience would typically be 18+ men as they are drawn to subjects such as cars, money and gun's.

Fast Pace Editing
  • The entire pace of a teaser trailer has to be incredibly fast and snappy to build up the adrenaline and mystery for the film, in order to engage the audience and make them excited to see the film. In this teaser trailer, the editing is matched up with the beats in the music, to add more emphasis on how much adrenaline and action is in the film. This is done to make the their target audience of 18+ males eager to see the film as soon as it is released.
  • The music used in the trailer is from a chart song that most of the public would recognize, this would make the audience feel comfortable with the film because they are already familiar with some of the traits being used in the film. The music is also fitting to the genre of crime, as the guitar sounds gritty and this puts emphasis on how grimey the film could be.


Some dialogue is used to briefly introduce the narrative and the characters. For example when one of the Craig brothers says "me and my brother, we're gunna rule London" it switches quickly between a mid shot of the brothers, a long shot of one of the brothers stood in a building looking over London, and a close up of one of the brothers. This sets the scene and introduces the main characters to give the audience the minimum amount of information to sway their decision of whether they will watch the film or not. The dialogue also references other gangster events, in order for the target audience to be able to compare the film and therefore decide on whether they will enjoy the film or not.


  • The intertitles in a teaser trailer have to get the main points across quickly, so the audience will gain a brief understanding of the main concepts of the film. The intertitles quickly flashed in-between shots were:
  • Based on the true story
  • Power
  • Fear
  • Family
  • Legend