Wednesday 4 November 2015

Entertainment Weekly Magazine Analysis - Scream

  • The photography takes up most of the magazine cover, the picture is of one of the main characters looking towards the camera, addressing the audience and making them feel victimised.
  • The colour scheme of red black and white, draws the audience's attention to the magazine as all of these colours are very bold and compliment each other.
  • A tight frame has been chosen so that the character takes up most of the magazine cover, informing the audience on the main feature of the magazine. A mid shot has been chosen so that the scream mask fills the page, as the scream mask is well recognised and will draw in fans of the previous films.
  • Harsh lighting has been chosen to expose all of the different shapes in the scream mask that give it emotion. The light has been positioned above the character so the lighting will create a dramatic effect. This is to empathise the genre of Scream, which is horror.
  • Pugs such as "backstage pass: on tour with Adele" draw in other audiences who would be interested in other celebrities. This will create profit for the magazine as all different age groups and people with different interests will want to buy the magazine.
  • The puffs give more information about what the magazine contains, and draw in those audiences who have an interest in the film. The font is in white, abiding to the colour scheme of the magazine so that it keeps within the genre. However some of the text is in blue which emphasises that Scream is returning, suggesting that it is giving extra information to those fans of Scream.
  • The title and the masthead is in a bubbly font that can be taken seriously, and still presents its self in a formal manor. However at the top of the magazine, some of the text is in a thinner more traditional font, which will talk about less demanded topics, and the other font that is bold, covers topics on celebrities.

  • I would like to use the colour scheme and the dramatic lighting as it all places emphasis on the genre and how dramatic the film is going to be. 

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