Tuesday 29 December 2015

Diary Post #11

Today I filmed the majority of the film. It went very well as I filmed the shots smoothly, and the locations were all in close range, which meant that the actors didn't get tired. It was a sunny day so gave off the right feel that I wanted to pursue in my film. The fight scene went well as I had many different ways to film it. I was able to film it from an Ariel shot. When I filmed the POV shots I had to make it look convincing that the weapons were hitting one another, I filmed them many times in different speeds. I think I will have to speed up the slower shots when I edit to make it look more convincing as well as more robot like.

Friday 18 December 2015

Diary post #10

Today I started editing together the green screen footage that I filmed for the news presenter part. This went successfully as I have used green screen before, I now have to add subtitles to it so that it looks more like the news.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Diary Post #9

Today I filmed the parts where we see the making of the robot. I got together some computer parts and laid them on the back of Seth. We tried to connect it to him standing up, however it fell off, therefore we led him on the floor and set up the computer parts to him. It was hard to make it look realistic, therefore I will have to crop the footage to make it look more realistic and believable. I may film some more bits that focus on the object that is connected to him to give it more of a Sci-fi feel.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Diary Post #8

Today I filmed some of the scenes of Alice's brother. I tried creating the shot where you can see the brother on the phone as well as his shadow. However this didn't turn out right as I couldn't get the shot to look how I wanted. Therefore I'm going to have to re-film this bit. I also filmed some parts where he's going to after the robot, however these didn't have the grainy feel I wanted. Therefore I'm going to have to find somewhere else where I can use a brick wall.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Diary #7

Today I filmed some of the shots in school. It went successfully as the weather was muggy which gave off the negative emotions that the robot is feeling. However the sky was still bright which shows that Alice coming into his life is a good thing for him. Whilst filming I decided to add in a pan which represents the moment his life started to get better after being alone at school. I may have to record the sound over the top of what we have already filmed as the background sound was too noisy.

Monday 7 December 2015


This is my animatic story board, I plan for my film to include these shots as well as this music. Some of the shots may vary as well as the music, as many things can change when filming or editing. The animatic has given me some idea of how my trailer will look, and I am now a lot happier with how my trailer will come together.

Saturday 5 December 2015


Costumes from holly_bondg321

This is a slideshare of my costumes that my characters will be wearing. I have written about how it represents their characters and the type of costumes that they will be wearing.

Shot List

This is my shot list for when I go and film. I have done it in chronological order, however when I go and film I will split it into the shots of the locations I am filming in. I will make sure that the actors change their clothes in order for it to look like a film where the characters change clothes. I took me a long time to come up with the shots that I wanted to use. This was because I was trying to think too much about how it will look as a trailer. Whereas what I needed to do is think about the narrative as a whole and tell the story through the narrative instead of trying to cut the narrative up completely and put it all over the place.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Story Board

This is my storyboard. These is my initial plan for how I'm going to film my trailer, I'm hoping that all of the shots will be successful, I think most of them will be achievable. I have drawn out what kind of shot it's going to be instead of writing out what it's going to be as I work more visually rather than on text. I will use the shot list to help me film, and I will take pictures of the story board encase I need to remind my self of the exact shot I need.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Diary Post #6

I am currently working on improving my magazine films. I have saved some images from the internet and have been making my own magazine front covers from them. I am slowly getting better at understanding Photoshop as well as improving my skills. I have filmed some footage, and will be filming more today.

Intertitles Analysis

This is a slideshow where I have analysed the intertitles. I have looked at the type of backgrounds they are shown over, and what type of information is revealed through the use of intertitles. This will help me to decide what I will put in my film, as well as the type of shots I need to think about in order to portray the emotions I want the audience to feel whilst watching the trailer.

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Tuesday 1 December 2015


These are some of the locations that I will be using, so that the trailer looks as if it were a real film with lots of different locations. Some of these pictures are the actual locations that I will be using, and the others are locations that will be similar to the ones in the pictures. Now that I have planned my locations I will have a much better idea of where to film my trailer.